"That dentist clean feeling....."

Even with excellent brushing and flossing, plaque and tartar buildup can still occur over time. A professional clean using our specialised instruments will leave your teeth spotlessly clean, giving your teeth that dentist clean feeling and the confidence your gum health is optimal.

"So how do you brush your teeth ?"

Ok, let’s start with a good brush, add some toothpaste, spend two minutes twice a day and make sure you gently and thoroughly clean all the teeth. Here’s a quick video to help

Ok, flossing takes a little more effort. There some great products out there to make this easier. Try the Sonicare Air floss, or Piksters, if you struggle with the string. Unfortunately teeth have five sides and brushing only gets three of them.

"Did you know mouth health affects your general health? "

The mouth is full of bacteria which can cause oral infections, like tooth decay and gum disease. Oral bacteria can contribute to infections of the heart, blood vessels and pregnancy. Practising good oral hygiene everyday will help maintain overall health

Dr Blatchford Periodontal disease

"What is periodontal Disease?"

Bacteria build up as plaque on the teeth. Over time the toxins released from the bacteria cause the gums to bleed and the bone supporting the teeth to breakdown. Eventually with no bone left the teeth fall out.  

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